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Liddells lactose free Ricotta
  • Prep
    5 minutes
  • Total
    15 minutes
  • Serving
    1 cup

Liddells lactose free ‘Ricotta’


1 litre Liddells Lactose Free Full Cream Milk
¼ cup lemon juice (you can also use white vinegar or apple cider vinegar, but these leave more of an aftertaste than lemon juice
1 teaspoon fine salt, or to taste


Place the milk and salt in a large saucepan over a low-medium heat. Allow the milk to come to a simmer – about 10-15 minutes.

Once the milk is gently bubbling, turn the heat off and remove from the heat and the stove. Add the lemon juice. Stir gently, only just to distribute the acid in the milk. Allow to sit for 15 minutes – the mixture should have curdled and become obvious ‘curds and whey.’ There should be ricotta like lumps of milk and a semi-transparent lemon coloured liquid.

If the liquid is still milky and completely opaque, return the ricotta to a gentle heat until it begins to separate, and then take it off the heat again. You can add a little extra acid (a teaspoon at a time) as an insurance policy, although this might affect the taste of the final product.

Once you have left the mixture to sit for 15 minutes, the mixture should have obviously separated into the two distinct elements. Gently pour the ricotta through a sieve lined with muslin cloth or a nut milk bag. You can discard the whey or use it in smoothies or baking – see notes for a few more ideas.

Strain ricotta anywhere from 20 minutes to 1 hour; less time if you prefer a more spreadable texture.

Check for seasoning and store in an airtight container. Keeps for a few days in the fridge.

To make a delicious spreadable whipped ricotta, simply pop the ricotta in your stand mixer and whisk until it is light and fluffy.

Featured Product

Lactose Free Full Cream Milk 1L

Rich, creamy and full of dairy goodness from farm-fresh cow’s milk - just with none of the lactose.